Thursday, May 3, 2018

Marketing Case Study

Virtual Dressing Rooms
Have you ever gone to a store and struggle with not wanting to try things on, just to get home and not like the way it looks on you? Or just not want to change in and out of different items to discover you don't like how they look?

Zugara and Cisco are innovating a new way to try clothing items on. They call it the Virtual Dressing Room or Virtual Fashion Mirror. With this customers are able to see how a clothing item will look on them without trying the item on.

How many people have used X-Box Kinect?

This system is very similar to that technology used. Take a look here.

Stores implementing this technology would be able to cut down on other costs. Working in the retail industry, I can see that there won't be a huge need for recovery. Without that big need, people will be able to focus more on their customer service skills and not focusing more on recovering. Businesses also won't need to hire employees to help with recovering.

This caught my attention because I'm going into Apparel Design and want to create custom clothing for people. This technology would make it so I could put my designs into it and allow people to see my designs on them before I even create the item. It would also allow customers to pick and choose aspects that they would prefer over others to provide them with exactly what they want.

If I were to market this, I would try to lower the price of it to allow some small businesses to incorporate this in their business. I would also market it on Facebook so people are aware of this and encourage corporations to use this in their stores.

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